A software engineer love to experiment with new technologies and also a performance freak coming from C/C++ background. Love to talk about other stuff like science, inventions etc.
Setting development environment for PlarformIO with Neovim · Recently I got interested in EPS32 and ESP8266 programming and I found PlatformIO provides a...
I wanted to build a native app using Rust and React so choose to use Tauri with React. I created a new project using shell command they provided and...
I was following Bun project for some time since it released its 0.1.1 version by its creator Jarred Summer. It promised to faster drop-in replacement...
Recently, I was exploring different alternatives for Firebase, like Supabase, Appwrite, nHost but easy to use and self-hosted easily I found...
So, I recently started using AppImage software distribution format for Linux Operating system where I don't have to use distro dependent package...
Make Kubernetes do stuff according to you. · Kubernetes is in boom now and many corporations are moving to Kubernetes due its feature set and large...